Fotografija: Heather Stilwell
12. svibnja 2015. u 19.30
(predavanje je na engleskom jeziku)
”Kada potrošači/ce žele brzo, tekstilni/ne radnici/ce moraju raditi brže, kada žele jeftino, tekstilni/ne radnici/ce moraju biti plaćeni manje” (Lucy Siegle e Jason Burke, We Are What We Wear, 2014).
Predavanje propituje odnos mode i potrošnje kroz prizmu ženskog rada u globalnoj odjevnoj industriji. Iz feminističke intersekcionalne perspektive problematizira se rodna i rasna podjela rada koja leži u srži brze mode (fast fashion) i jeftine odjeće, a koja generira ogromne profite globalnim retail brandovima povećavajući geopolitičke nejednakosti. Predavanje se dotiče različitih povijesnih i geografskih studija slučajeva neoliberalne eksploatacije od jugoistočne Azije do jugoistočne Europe. Bazirajući se na različitim vizualnim materijalima razmatraju se aktualne kampanje i akcije koje podcrtavaju održive radne uvjete u globalnoj odjevnoj industriji.
dr. sc. Chiara Bonfiglioli
Postdoktorandica u Centru za kulturološka i povijesna istraživanja socijalizma (CKPIS), Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli, preko programa NEWFELPRO. Završila je preddiplomski studij političkih znanosti u Bologni te diplomski i poslijediplomski doktorski studij na Institutu za povijest i kulturu (program Rodni studiji) u Utrechtu. Od 2012. do 2014. radila je na Sveučilištu u Edinburghu kao postdoktorandica i suradnica na projektu CITSEE. U doktorskoj disertaciji bavila se ženskim političkim i društvenim aktivizmom u Italiji i Jugoslaviji. Posljednje dvije godine istražuje utjecaj postsocijalističke tranzicije i deindustrijalizacije na rodne odnose u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, s posebnim naglaskom na radnice u tekstilnoj industriji.
Više o projektu: “Weaving socialism: an oral history of the garment industry in Croatia, from post-war industrialisation to post-socialist deindustrialisation”
Fashion, women’s labour and feminist critiques of the global garment industry
“Where the consumer wants fast, the garment worker must work faster; where the consumer wants cheap, the garment worker must get paid less.” (Lucy Siegle e Jason Burke, We Are What We Wear, 2014).
The lecture will discuss the theme of fashion and consumption through the lens of women’s labour in the global garment industry. The gendered and racial division of labour that lies at the core of fast fashion and cheap clothing, generating immense profits for global retail brands as well as increasing geopolitical inequalities, will be discussed from a feminist intersectional perspective. The lecture will touch upon different historical and geographical case studies of neo-liberal capitalist exploitation, from South East Asia to South Eastern Europe. On the basis of a variety of visual material, it will discuss ongoing campaigns and actions for sustainable working conditions in the global garment industry.
Chiara Bonfiglioli is currently Newfelpro post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism. She holds a BA in Political Sciences from the University of Bologna, Italy, and an MA and PhD from the Research Institute for History and Culture, Graduate Gender Programme, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. From 2012 to 2014, she has been research fellow at the University of Edinburgh, within the framework of the CITSEE project. Her doctoral dissertation dealt with women’s political and social activism in Cold War Italy and Yugoslavia. In the last two years, she has been researching the impact of post-socialist transition and deindustrialisation on gender relations in the former Yugoslavia, with a specific focus on women working in the textile industry.
More info on the project “Weaving socialism: an oral history of the garment industry in Croatia, from post-war industrialisation to post-socialist deindustrialisation”
Partnerstvo: Centar za ženske studije
Više o projektu: LICA KULTURE: MODA